Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Strength Training for a Healthy Fit Body

If you are looking for a healthy and fit body, strength training is the answer for you. Many may think that weight lifting is just for looking good. And while this is fine, the health benefits associated with strength training are of much more importance. We've all heard the saying, "If you don't use it, you'll lose it". So what is it you have to lose? Or more like it what do you have to gain?

For one, you will find an increase in your bone density. Strength training is one of the best weight bearing exercises for increasing bone density and preventing osteoporosis and stress fractures to your bones. Weight lifting is an anabolic process that helps build tissue making it an excellent way to preserve bone mass.

Strength training makes muscles and the connecting ligaments and tendons stronger. With stronger muscles and connecting tissue there is less chance of injuring yourself while participating in physical activities.

If you couple a solid weight training program with the proper nutrition you are setting up a strong defense against many of the common illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

If you want decreased body fat, strength training is again the way to go. Weight lifting increases your metabolism which allows you to eat more while maintaining your weight.
Of course, you want to be eating a proper balance of lean protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

So, it seems pretty obvious if you are looking for a healthy and fit body, strength training along with good nutrition is by far the best way to maximum health and fitness.

To acquire proper strength training skills along with a complete guide to meal planning for weight lifting success try No Nonsense Muscle Building This program will put you on the right track to your ideal, healthy body.

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